Dumboton Membre indispensable

Inscrit le: 20 Juin 2005 Messages: 10316 Localisation: 95170
Posté le: Mar 06 Sep 2005 pm 22:57 Sujet du message: Ghostzilla le navigateur furtif |
Ghostzilla is a Web browser like Firefox, but it shows up and disappears instantly, discreetly, blended with your application -- any application -- so the Web pages look like part of it and not like the Web at all.
With Ghostzilla, they see your normal work screen. You see the Web page, drawn to appear inside your work application and to look like that application to a bystander. If someone comes too close, move the mouse away from the Web page and it disappears, leaving the original application frame. When the coast clears, another mouse move brings Ghostzilla and the Web page back inside your application.
CI c'était des hommes, un service et de la qualité |